cOAlition S: Fostering Global Equity in Scholarly Publishing

By eContent Pro on Aug 2, 2024

cOAlition S has introduced a new pricing framework aimed at enhancing global equity within scholarly publishing. Developed by Information Power in collaboration with various stakeholders—including funders, libraries, consortia, and publishers—this framework seeks to encourage dialogue, improve transparency, and motivate publishers to adopt fair pricing practices across different economic contexts. It offers users essential principles, data, and tools, allowing for a gradual implementation tailored to individual circumstances. This flexible approach is applicable to a range of pricing models, such as article processing charges (APCs), subscriptions, and transformative agreements.

Framework Highlights

The framework centers on global differentiated pricing that promotes fairness and includes several critical components:

  • Equity Commitment: The framework is part of a larger commitment to equity, inclusion, diversity, and belonging in scholarly publishing.
  • Collaborative Development: It was created through meaningful and transparent consultations with the research community to ensure it meets diverse needs.
  • Contextual Pricing: Pricing is designed to reflect the specific economic circumstances of each country, taking into account income and purchasing power.
  • Clear Communication: The pricing structures are straightforward and transparent, facilitating understanding among all stakeholders.
  • Data Transparency: It relies on independent, open datasets that are frequently updated, allowing for validation and reuse by users.
  • Shared Financial Responsibility: The framework encourages a model where both customers and publishers share currency risks.

Practical Tools

To assist publishers in determining and setting differential prices, the framework includes an Excel-based tool that leverages data from the World Bank International Comparison Program, which reflects each country’s economic capacity. Countries are categorized into bands to streamline administration, and invoices can be issued in local currencies wherever feasible. Additionally, comprehensive appendices offer guidance on accessing relevant data sources and tracking changes in country economic indices over recent years.

In a cOAlition S press release announcing the framework, cOAlition S Executive Director Johan Rooryck stated that this framework serves as a starting point for discussions aimed at evolving practices in open access publishing. He acknowledged that while many stakeholders prefer a system without author-facing charges, the current reality of APCs necessitates using transparent data to create equitable pricing reflective of local purchasing power. Rooryck encourages all stakeholders to engage with this framework to advance a more just scholarly communication ecosystem.

Engaging Local Stakeholders

The development of the framework was supported by a dedicated steering group, which included representatives from across the scholarly publishing landscape. In a cOAlition S press release, Colleen Campbell, OA2020 Coordinator and steering group member, stressed that achieving equity and inclusivity in scholarly publishing requires active participation from local communities. This framework provides a valuable resource for universities, research institutions, libraries, and consortia as they negotiate with publishers to address financial challenges and promote a more equitable publishing environment.

Context and Background

The transition to open access publishing has shifted the financial burden from readers to authors, making it easier for readers to access publications globally. However, this shift has also resulted in financial obstacles for many authors and institutions seeking to publish in preferred journals. This framework arises from discussions held in 2022 and 2023 during workshops organized with OA2020 and other partners, where participants recognized the need for differentiated pricing based on transparent, objective criteria to ensure inclusivity.

The pricing framework to foster global equity aligns with Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA)’s call for more equitable financial approaches to open access and supports the OA2020 initiative's "Invitation to Action." This initiative promotes collaboration toward globally equitable scholarly journal publishing, advocating for a transition in publishing conditions that are fair and equitable for researchers worldwide.

The complete report titled “Pricing Framework to Foster Global Equity in Scholarly Publishing” is available for download here.

eContent Pro, as a provider of end-to-end editorial and publishing services, commends cOAlition S's efforts and remains committed to supporting initiatives that promote fairness and accessibility in scholarly publishing. We encourage all stakeholders to participate in the ongoing dialogue and contribute to the realization of a truly equitable open access landscape.

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Based in Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA, eContent Pro offers high-quality end-to-end editorial and publishing services, ensuring seamless workflows through the eContent Pro Business Enterprise Management System (BEMS), fast turnaround times, competitive pricing, and exceptional customer service. Since 1994, we have supported commercial publishers, university/library presses, organizations, and societies by streamlining their publishing workflow with innovative publishing solutions.

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