Managing Author Expectations and Relations: Strategies for Scholarly Publishers

By eContent Pro on Jun 28, 2024
Maintaining positive relationships with authors is crucial for scholarly publishers. Authors are the backbone of academic publishing, providing the content that drives the industry. Ensuring a smooth, transparent, and supportive publication process not only enhances author satisfaction but also fosters long-term collaboration and loyalty. This article presents strategies for scholarly publishers to effectively manage author expectations and relations.

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1. Clear Communication

Set Expectations Early

From the outset, clearly communicate the entire publication process, including timelines, submission guidelines, peer review procedures, and potential outcomes. Authors should know what to expect at every stage.

Regular Updates

Provide authors with regular updates on the status of their manuscripts. This includes acknowledging receipt of the manuscript, updates on peer review progress, and any delays in the process. Timely communication helps manage expectations and reduces anxiety.

2. Transparent Peer Review Process

Detailed Guidelines

Offer detailed guidelines on the peer review process, including criteria for evaluation and expected timelines. Transparency helps authors understand how their work will be assessed and the standards they need to meet.

Constructive Feedback

Ensure that peer reviews are constructive and respectful. Encourage reviewers to provide detailed, actionable feedback that authors can use to improve their work, even if the manuscript is rejected.

3. Efficient Manuscript Handling

Streamlined Submission System

Invest in a user-friendly manuscript submission and tracking system. This not only makes the submission process easier for authors but also improves efficiency and reduces administrative errors.

Timely Decisions

Aim to make editorial decisions within a reasonable timeframe. Delays can frustrate authors and harm the publisher's reputation. If delays are unavoidable, communicate this to the authors with an explanation and revised timelines.

4. Author Support Services

Editorial Assistance

Provide editorial support, including language editing, formatting assistance, and guidance on improving the manuscript's structure and clarity. This is especially valuable for authors whose first language is not English. If it is not possible to offer these services in-house, consider outsourcing to a professional editorial services provider such as eContent Pro.

Training and Resources

Offer resources such as webinars, workshops, and guides on effective academic writing, navigating the peer review process, and understanding open access options. Empowering authors with knowledge enhances their publishing experience.

5. Recognition and Engagement

Acknowledge Contributions

Recognize and celebrate authors’ contributions through newsletters, social media, and special features on your website. Highlighting author achievements fosters a sense of community and appreciation.

Engagement Initiatives

Create opportunities for authors to engage with the publisher and their peers. This could include virtual meetups, author panels at conferences, and collaborative research projects.

6. Post-Publication Support

Promotion and Visibility

Assist authors in promoting their published work. This includes social media promotion, press releases, and collaborating with authors on outreach efforts to academic and non-academic audiences.

Access to Metrics

Provide authors with access to performance metrics such as downloads, citations, and altmetrics. This helps authors understand the impact of their work and can be valuable for their career development.

7. Addressing Concerns and Feedback

Responsive Support

Ensure that there is a dedicated support team to address author queries and concerns promptly. A responsive support system shows authors that their needs are a priority.

Feedback Mechanism

Implement a feedback mechanism where authors can provide input on their publishing experience. Use this feedback to make continuous improvements to your processes and services.

8. Ethical Practices

Uphold Integrity

Maintain high ethical standards in all publishing practices. This includes transparent conflict-of-interest policies, ensuring the integrity of the peer review process, and adhering to ethical guidelines in research publishing.

Address Misconduct

Have clear policies for addressing academic misconduct, such as plagiarism or data fabrication. Ensure these policies are communicated to authors and strictly enforced.

Final Thoughts

Managing author expectations and maintaining positive relationships require a commitment to transparency, efficiency, support, and engagement. By implementing these strategies, scholarly publishers can enhance author satisfaction, foster loyalty, and ultimately contribute to the advancement of academic knowledge. Positive author relations are not just about facilitating a transaction but building a lasting partnership based on trust, respect, and mutual benefit.

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Based in Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA, eContent Pro offers high-quality end-to-end editorial and publishing services, ensuring seamless workflows through the eContent Pro Business Enterprise Management System (BEMS), fast turnaround times, competitive pricing, and exceptional customer service. Since 1994, we have supported commercial publishers, university/library presses, organizations, and societies by streamlining their publishing workflow with innovative publishing solutions.

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